3640 Temporary Jobs Opportunities NEC At Jimbo La Arusha Mjini

3640 Temporary Jobs Opportunities NEC At Jimbo La Arusha Mjini. The Background on the National Electoral Commission of TanzaniaIn 1991 the then President of the United Republic of Tanzania, His Excellency Ali Hassan Mwinyi appointed a commission under the Chairmanship of the late Chief Justice of Tanzania, the Honourable Francis L. Nyalali. The task of that Commission was to collect public opinion as to whether or not to continue with the one – party system.

Following the recommendations by the Nyalali Commission, Article 3 of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 was amended to make Tanzania a multi – party state.

The Political Parties Act, (No. 5 of 1992) was enacted to provide for the registration of Political Parties. The Elections Act, (No.1 of 1985), the Local Authorities (Elections) Act, (No. 4 of 1979) and related legislations were also substantially amended to get rid of the one – party system and to put in place appropriate procedures for the conduct of Elections under the multi – party system.

In 1993 the National Electoral Commission was established under Article 74 (1) of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977. Members of the Commission were appointed for the first time, with effect from 14th January, 1993.

3640 Temporary Jobs Opportunities NEC At Jimbo La Arusha Mjini | Ajira Za Uchaguzi 2020
NEC has announced new Temporary job Vacancies toward conducting General October 2020 at Arusha City Council

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