What’s the best way for a new YouTuber to get more views and subscribers on YouTube?

I'm a Youtuber a few years until now , from my experience to increase views and 1000subscribers quite simple .

Why do i say that ?

There’re various ways to get 1000subscribers fast and views easy .

To complete reach it , I am going to tell you a few different ways , then understand all these methods well and use them on your YouTube channel and on other videos .

If you use these methods well , you will be able to raise your channel in the shortest possible time .

1 . Create Compelling Content

Inspired content is the kind the viewers want , regardless of the niche because no matter how much support you are getting from paid advertisement , your efforts are futile if viewers does not find it compelling .

In order to get the most out of your content , you have to determine your audience . Create the kind of quality that revolves around them . Know what they want , and you will know what you have to make .

Compelling content does not have to come from you all the time . There will come a time when ideas escape you . If you are having a hard time coming up with one , you can scroll through the comments section .

It is a pool of many ideas . If not , engage the viewers to leave ideas because that is one of the ways how to get the most views on YouTube – creating content that your viewers suggest , because that means , that is something would be interested in .

2 .Brand Your Video

This basically means place a watermark across all your videos .

It indicates ownership , and if viewers hover over the watermark , it prompts them to subscribe .

Another clever way on how to get more view on YouTube in the subtlest of ways .

To do is as simple as going over to Creator Studio , and under Branding click Add a Watermark where you will be prompted to publish an image .

3 .Allow Embedding

You must be generous with your video is you want to reach more people . That is gained through sharing , and it can only be done if you allow your video to be embedded .

This gives your viewers the chance to share your content on their blog or on their social media accounts giving you more achieve to audience that you may not have intended the video for .

However , these are always a welcomed addition .

To enable embedding , just head over to your creator studio and click advanced settings . Under distribution settings , ensure that a tick is on Allow Embedding , otherwise , this will not be possible .

4. Achieve Real Views and Subscribers

You can get a lot of views and subscribers this way , they’re real subscribers but they won’t always be worthwhile views .

If you’re going to purchase views , make sure you’re actually getting real views , and that the views actually lasts .

YouTube will filter out fraudulent views , subscribers and drop them , decreasing your watch time by however long the view was , and can even penalize your channel if they think you’re buying fake views .

I think you need help from THIS COMPANY . It provides a large amount of views and real active , non-drop subscribers for your channels I have used it , the result is very amazing .

So , it’s always my first option to suggest to everyone .

5 .Use Other Platforms to Your Advantage

Social media is the single most powerful tool in this day and age . Its use could make or a break an internet personality’s presence online .

In effect , it is also one of the ways how to views in YouTube .

What this does is give you access to audiences from across the world who you may not have from within your locality .

Also , it gives you a better chance of gaining an audience , especially with the varied niches that you might be into .

All you need to do is set-up a page for yourself , and just share constantly the videos that you upload . Once you are big enough , sometimes , they do it for you .

However , if they do not , you do not have to worry because websites or applications such as Hootsuite and Buffer can help upload them on platforms based on a set date .

Remember that the only way to maximize YouTube is to remember that it was never a standalone platform , and that is its networking power .

6 .Quality Over Quantity

Quality should always be at the forefront of your channel . That is why it is a must to have compelling videos , otherwise , viewers leave just as soon as they see what you have to offer .

Why is this important ?

In today’s YouTube algorithm , Watch Time is more important than views alone . This is the span of time that a person stays to watch your video , and the better the quality of your video is , the higher the chance of your viewers staying .

You may also want to refer to other videos or channels within your niche . The platform rewards this with ‘Watch Time Credits’ , which is again , credited to your channel .

7 .Building a Network

You cannot bring in viewers on your own . You need a community to back you up . Nurture a community . Engage with the audience . That is another way how to get more YouTube videos fast .

It does not matter whether it is by simply giving a reply to comments left in your video or referring to another content creator within the same niche .

You may even drop a comment if you think you should . Starting a conversation creates momentum , and that in turn brings out others who may have the same interests . As a result , the viewer counts rises .

8 . It Starts with a Name

You would think that a video platform has no use of SEO , but it does , and other than playlist names , sometimes , it all starts with a video’s title .

SEO is just as important in YouTube as it is in articles because , at the end of the day , people find results through a search engine run by an algorithm .

That is why knowing the right keywords to use is a way how to get more views on to your YouTube channel .

You can find the appropriate keywords to use through the suggestion box that appears when you key in the words in the search bar .

You can also use websites , or applications , such as Google Trends and Google Adwords Keyword Planner .

Also , you may want to keep your titles the lengths of 60 to 70 characters and use only those which relates to your video . Otherwise , YouTube will penalize your channel .

9 .Optimize the Platform

The internet is not somewhere you hide yourself . It is the place to expose yourself , and you only build yourself , and a community , if you let them know who you are and where to find you .

Again , exposure is the key . That is why , if you can , add your social media platforms on your channel , maybe include your website as well if you have one .

Experts also suggest that you enable other related content on the platform . Disabling ‘Related Channels’ is a common mistake that amateurs do .

Not only does this deny the community of valuable content , but it also takes away your opportunity to be featured on the recommended page of YouTube , normally found on a viewer’s home page .

Self-promotion is never enough . It takes a community to build a brand .

10 . A Strong Impression

A first impression is not something you would expect in YouTube , but it does . This is through the use of engaging thumbnails which are the first things that a viewer sees when they log on to the platform .

Long-time YouTubers would tell you to create customized thumbnails . This gives it more personality and would reflect your brand a lot more , identifying your brand without having to read who uploaded it .

11 .Promote the Platform

If you have not surmised it just yet , avoid promoting the videos alone . Improve your entire channel , and the platform instead . This can be done by adding a widget on your blog or on your website , if you have one .

This gives viewers direct access to your channel with content that they may not have known existed , and see them devour each one , one video at a time .

12 . Do Not be Afraid to be Human

To show a human side every now and then is how you get more views on YouTube because viewers love a touch of vulnerability .

Showing that you are human , and not just another person behind the screen is a way to make yourself relatable which is a strong marketing too in itself , especially today .

13 . Ride the Trend

Always a last resort , you can get the attention of many others by creating content that is currently trending online .

Uploading your own version gets people curious , thus it converts into views .

Always focus on what got you there , and that is the niche that you are currently in because that is your way of showing loyalty to those who made your channel what it is .

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