How To Job Hunt During The Coronavirus Pandemic

During this Coronavirus  Pandemic over many people filed for unemployment. Even if you haven’t been laid off or furloughed, your company may be implementing hiring and salary freezes for the foreseeable future. That raise or promotion you were counting on could be delayed for months or even longer. While it may seem appropriate to sit back and wait, this isn’t a time to postpone your job hunt. In fact, by developing effective job search strategies now, you’ll be ahead of your peers when the situation finally normalizes.

Embrace online networking

Using your spare time while in self-isolation to network online is a great way to lay the foundation for future career growth. Kickstart your job hunt by increasing your digital presence. Update your Portal profile, ask for recommendations, and join relevant groups or  Professionals group. Reach out to new and existing contacts and comment on people’s posts. Take a brief daily break from work to send notes to former co-workers and other connections and ask how they’re doing. Try creating a video greeting to make it even more personal.

Stay top of mind

While some companies are still hiring, the interview process is taking longer than usual. HR departments are scrambling, trying to implement remote work policies, and keep existing employees productive. If you do apply for a position and don’t hear back right away, don’t panic. Wait a few weeks and continue to follow-up via email with the HR contact or hiring manager. If you reach out to a company during your job hunt and they aren’t hiring now, check back in a month so you can stay top of mind. That way, when something does open up, you’ll be one of the first people they think of.

Do your research

Are you saving valuable time by avoiding that daily commute? You can use those extra minutes to explore and research target companies. Set up Google Alerts for firms you are interested in. Also, take note of companies that are weathering the storm. After all, if a business can survive the next few months, it may be a company to consider working for. Also, observe how they are responding to the pandemic. Follow them on social channels and in the media. Take note of how the leadership team deals with the crisis and its employees. Are they supporting workers or laying them off? As part of your job hunt, also consider setting up informational interviews via phone or Skype chat.

Ask specific questions

This is an unprecedented time, so it’s reasonable to ask questions related to the pandemic. First, find out what the interview process and timeline look like. Also, ask questions like:

  • How are you supporting employees during this time?
  • How have you implemented remote work guidelines?
  • Has the pandemic impacted overall company strategy or hiring goals?
  • Since I won’t be able to meet with you on-site, can you tell me more about the culture?
Hone your skills

Your job hunt should also include time to bolster your qualifications. If you lack a skill that is required in your dream job, now’s the time to make yourself the ideal candidate. That might mean taking an online course or getting a certification. Some Universities offer some excellent online classes, many of which are free.

The bottom line is that hiring is slowing down but, in many cases, hasn’t come to a grinding halt. There are still jobs out there. Be patient, persistent, and flexible. Just because some companies aren’t hiring now or have laid off employees doesn’t mean they won’t be recruiting in the future. By following these strategies, when they do start looking for top talent, you’ll be ready.

1 comment:

  1. The ‘take 10 theory’ is a promise to spend 10 minutes on a task that you have been putting aside. This can help you focus on the job search task at hand and prevent procrastination. After the 10 minutes are over, reassess your headspace and decide on what you want to do for the next 10 minutes. Read:


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